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Return on Investment

3 years with external developers - How high is the ROI?

In-house developers or IT service provider?

Many companies are faced with the question: is it worth hiring in-house developers or does it make more sense to work with an IT service provider?

The return on investment plays an important role in this decision.

The ROI shows how profitable an investment was, for example, the development of an app or the integration of external developers into the team.

ROI after three years with L‑One

The agricultural fintech agriBORA has relied on a software development service provider from the outset.

The start-up has been developing its software-as-a-service platform with a dedicated team of developers from L-One Systems for three years. Dedicated means that the IT experts only work for agriBORA, and the external team has grown together with agriBORA.

Initially, L-One provided two developers. Today, three developers, an Engineering Manager, a Tech Lead and a Quality Assurance Manager from L-One Systems work for the start-up.

Interview with a long-time L‑One customer

Interview with Kizito, CEO of the agricultural fintech agriBORA

What is the ROI after three years of startup growth with the external L-One development team? Our CEO Lionel Born spoke to Kizito Odhiambo, CEO and founder of agriBORA, about this.


ROI in outsourcing project with L‑One

The medium-sized IT company movus from Vienna has developed new features for an existing software solution with L-One.

L-One was responsible for the project as an outsourcing partner from concept to release.

Eduard Ulrich, founder and Managing Director of movus, comments on the ROI of the collaboration:

"We will recoup the development costs in a year. If we had implemented the new version with our own resources, it would not have come onto the market so quickly. We have also avoided fixed costs thanks to L-One."

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Case Study agriBORA

How does the collaboration with L-One help agriBORA to scale up? And why did the startup choose L-One? Find out here:

Logo L-One Systems Kunde movus

Case Study movus

In order to further develop its software solution in a cost-efficient and timely manner, movus GmbH decided to work with L-One.

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Our service models

Whether you want to work closely with the L-One developers or outsource a project:

We have the right service model for you.

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Benefit from our many years of experience: companies have been developing, modernizing and scaling their software solutions with L-One since 2012 - reliably and cost-effectively.

Portrait Lionel Born CEO von L-One Systems

Lionel Born
CEO of
L-One Systems

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